About Us

SHIVSHAKTI INFRASTRUCTURE is an ISO 9001:2015 certified Construction Company known for its established services for Construction & Maintenance of solar plants, Building works, Road Works, Precast Boundry, Chain Link Fencing Work, And Any Other related to civilworks Commissioning & maintenance.
Having a team of professionals for engineering and consulting
 Working to save the world through innovation and technology.
Experienced team to handle construction of any typical designing plan.


Sr No ClientProject AddressDetails
1Patel Electrical Works75MW GACL Project EPC by BHEL Charanka-Gujarat.66KV Cable Laying and Installation Work.
2Patel Electrical Works20MW GACL Project EPC by BHEL Charanka-Gujarat.66KV Cable Laying and Installation Work.
3Hi Tech Transpower Pvt. Ltd.10MW GACL Project EPC by BHEL Charanka-Gujarat.66KV Cable Laying and Installation Work.
4Renew Power Solar Services Pvt. Ltd.40MW Renew Power Project Charanka-Gujarat.i. 4km W.B.M. Road. ii. 3km Murram Road. iii. Office Set-up.
5Renew Power Solar Services Pvt. Ltd.105MW Renew Power GUVNL Site Project Eval-Gujarat.i. Office Set-up Work. ii. Construction of Store yard work. iii. Pile casting work. iv. Security watch Tower Construction work. v. R.C.C. U.G. Water Tank work.
vi. Construction of main gate work.
vii. Drainage Construction work.
6Zephyrsun Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.40MW Renew Power Project. Charanka-Gujarat. Construction of R.C.C. Store Building work & Roof fabrication work.
7PLG Photovoltaic Pvt Ltd.Home construction work.Building construction work.
8Vasudev Electroproject Pvt. Ltd.10MW GNFC Project EPC by BHEL Charanka-Gujarat.i. 66KV Cable Laying and Installation Work.
ii. R.C.C. Pedestal foundation work.
9Tata Power Solar System Ltd.100+ 100MW GIPCL Project EPC by TPSSL Raghanesda-Gujarat.i. Street Light installation & services work. ii. DC cuble Laying and Termi nasion work. iii. Module & Structure installation work.
10Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd.25MW TPREL Project. EPC by TPSSL Charanka-Gujarat.i. 4km W.B.M Road Work
ii. Shed fabrication work.
iii. R.C.C. Protection Wall Construction work.
11Parmeshwarkrupa Electricals50MW Stride Engineering Pvt. Ltd (0 & M Work) Charanka-Gujarat.i. 3.5km W.M.M. Road work.
ii. Store Yard Civil Foundation Work.
iii. Fabrication work.
iv. 100m R.C.C. Road.
v. Main gate work.
vi. Warehouse Work.
vii. other whole maintenance work.
12Roha Dyechem Pvt. Ltd.25MW Rohal project. Charanka-Gujarati. Warehouse Work.
13Vikram solar40+40MW GIPCL Project. EPC by Vikram Solar Charanka-Gujarat.i. R.R. masonary 3km Drainage Work
14Kosol Energie Pvt. Ltd.4MW GINEC Project. EPC by KOSOL Pvt. Ltd. Charanka-Gujarat.i. Bush Cutting Land Leveling Grading work.
15Sun clean Renewable Power Pvt. Ltd.6MW Sun Clean Project. O&M by Sun clean. Charanka-Gujarat.Running Operation and Maintenance work.
16Mekeran Energy & infra Pvt. Ltd.6MW Sun Clean Project. O&M by Mekeran Energy & infra. Charanka-Gujarat.Operation and Maintenance work.
17Saraswati construction co.100+100MW GSECL Project. EPC by BHEL Raghanesda-Gujarat.4km Chain Link Fencing work. 3km Precast Fencing work.
18Aditya Brila Group i. W.B.M Road
ii. Plant Removetion Work
iii. Pilling Work
iv. 100m R.C.C. Road.